Parenting Tips and Its Importance in Present Era

As a parent, you give your kids a decent beginning throughout everyday life—you support, secure, and control them. Parenting is a process to make your child responsible and independent. As your toddler turns to a teenager; you need to be more careful. 

The recent South Delhi School case ‘Bois Locker Room’ shaken the whole of India and forced me to write the blog. The case is all about of an Instagram chat group named as Bois Locker Room, with hundreds of teenagers (age between 17 and 18 years) from south Delhi were enjoying by sharing obscene pictures of their schoolgirls and talking rubbish about them.

This is not the only case in India; every day, we see crime stories in TVs and Newspapers. Isn’t it high time to think about the cause? As parents, how capable are we to take care of our children?

Teenage and Parenting: Relationship goals 

Teenage is a very crucial phase in our life. The adrenaline rush realizes us to behave like a mature person, though we are not. So, when our children enter this phase, we need to be extra cautious. No doubt, we give the best to our kids in all terms. We respect their privacy too. Privacy doesn’t mean they should hang a board of “Do Not Disturb,” and we will respect that without asking any question.

Teenagers kids are very possessive and feel unprotective of discussing anything with their parents. We must make them understand that parents are the real friend at this stage of life. Many parents are so busy with their professional and social services; they exactly don’t have time to look after their children.

When your child starts ignoring you, then that doesn’t mean that you are failed as a parent. If your child is not comfortable discussing the problem, he/she is facing, then it is okay. Don’t harass them. Take assistance from the schoolteacher or a counsellor. Watch your child’s activities when he/she is in school. Be in touch with the teachers to get the performance report of your kid. If you find anything abnormal, then discuss it with your kids. Try to console them if they are afraid. Talk with them like a friend, not like a parent.

If you are staying in a joint family, or your kid is fond of his/her grandparents or any other elderly member than you, then let them take the responsibility. Sometimes, as parents, we may not understand our child, but the experience of grandparents will do the miracle.

Is Digital Platform Ruining the Innocence?

Today everything is available over the Internet. So, as parents, we must check what exactly our children are watching or surfing. Google is the ocean of knowledge, but do our kids get the right experience over there? Social media is a platform where your children are spending more time. Watch out their activities on digital platforms. Check their mobiles. Meet all their friends personally. Have a friendly conversation with them too. Have an eye on their social media accounts. If you find anything suspicious, then confront them and teach them the right way of the use of social media.

Movies, Ads, and their Impact on Children: 

Generally, when we are watching any movie with our children, if any lovemaking scene pop-ups, then either we switch the channel or forward the scene.

I remember one incident from my childhood days there is an ad on National Channel about AIDS. In that ad, the whole family was sitting together and having dinner. Meanwhile, on the television, they showed the use of Condoms to avoid STDs and AIDS. As soon as the ad came on the TV, the father told her daughter to bring a glass of water to prevent her from seeing what Condom is and why we should use it. My question is, did the father in the ad do the right thing?

‘Sex’ is a fascinating topic for every teenager. Being parents, we must make them understand it correctly. If your child is asking anything about sex, then don’t hesitate or ignore this topic. Discuss with them about the hormonal changes. Don’t forget to teach them the different forms of Sex, such as Making Love and Rape. Then only they will understand how to respect a girl and how to behave with a boy.

Child Learn First Lesson from Home:

Every time it is not the fault of a girl who has been raped. The boys don’t get the difference between sex and rape, or maybe their parents never try to discuss the difference with them. We can’t tell our daughters to stay at home or don’t go to study but can stop our sons to do this nuisance.

As we say, home is the first school, every bad and good thing can be learned from home first. If you have any differences with your spouse or any other family members then, don’t let those bother your kids. When you and your spouse are making love, then do it in a closed room. Maybe your kid is not mature enough to understand what he/she just saw and will discuss with their friends. This will increase curiosity, and unknowingly they will be either victim or the culprit. 

Message to the Parents:

The cases of crime are increasing, so as the question about parenting. It’s our responsibility to bring the best from our children. There is nothing called good or bad parenting. It is all about the experience. With the due course, everybody will learn how to take care of their children. So, relax and be the best example for your children. Love your children and spend more time with them.


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