Home Cleaning and Hygiene Tips to Fight Against COVID-19

As the dangerous coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) spreading quickly, individuals are doing everything to protect themselves, yet shouldn't something be said about your own house?

You, as parents, always think of our children and family’s safety and hygiene. Since when this COVID-19 has been started, we often feel can we catch this pandemic disease from food? Is it necessary to clean clothes frequently?

The unremarkable household task has transformed into a wellspring of vulnerability and nervousness as you think about completing the fundamentals all while keeping your families protected and healthy.

While examination into the COVID-19 infection is continuous, we realize the disease is transmitted through direct contact with any breathing issue individual (through coughing and sneezing), and contacting surfaces infected with a virus. The virus presents on surfaces for a couple of hours or days. But the good news is disinfectants can kill coronavirus. So, let’s discuss how this will work for your home?

To give parents like you some assistance, we gathered the most recent master data on COVID-19 and tips to help keep it out of your home.

Home Cleaning and Hygiene Tips to Fight Against COVID-19:

  • All family members should teach themselves about COVID-19 manifestations and forestalling the spread of COVID-19 in homes.
  • Clean and sterilize high-contact surfaces every day common areas such as tables, hard-upheld seats, door handles, light switches, telephones, tablets, contact screens, remote controls, consoles, handles, work areas, toilets, sinks. 
  • Family members should follow home hygiene guidelines while connecting with people with suspected/affirmed COVID-19 and their isolation room. 

Cleaning and Disinfecting Home:

Hard (Non-permeable) Surfaces

  • Make a practice of wearing disposable gloves when cleaning and sanitizing surfaces. Don’t forget to dispose of it in a closed dustbin after each cleaning. If you are using reusable gloves, those gloves should only apply for cleaning surfaces for COVID-19. Clean hands following gloves are removed.
  • Dirty surfaces are should clean by phenyl, soap and water frequently. 
  • You can prepare a bleach solution at home by mixing 
  1. 5 tablespoons (1/third cup) blanch per gallon of water or
  2. 4 teaspoons blanch per quart of water And clean your kitchen platform or floor. 

Delicate (Porous) Surfaces
  • For delicate (porous) surfaces, for example, covered floor, carpets, and window hangings expel noticeable pollution if present and clean with suitable cleaners demonstrated for use on these surfaces.
  • Post cleaning the surfaces wash all the used clothes with detergent and warm water. 

Electronics Product Cleaning
  • Electronics devices like mobiles, tablets, remote controls, and consoles, adhere to the producer's directions for all cleaning and purification items.

Laundry Item Cleaning
  • Wear dispensable gloves when dealing with grimy clothing from an ill family member and afterwards dispose of after each utilization. In the case of utilizing reusable gloves, don’t forget to dispose of it in a closed dustbin after each cleaning. If you are using reusable gloves, those gloves should only use for cleaning surfaces for COVID-19. Clean hands following gloves are removed.
  • If you don’t have gloves and doing laundry in bare hands, then wash your hand with soap and water after each laundry. 
  • It is advisable that, don't shake grimy clothing. This will limit the chance of scattering infection through the air. 
  • Clean and purify garments hampers as per the direction above for surfaces. On the off chance that conceivable, consider putting a pack liner that is either expendable (can be discarded) or can be washed. 

Preventive Measures and Hand Hygiene:
  • You should clean your hands regularly, even after disposal of gloves and after contact with an infected person. Try to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 secs.
  • If you are outside of our home and soap and water is not available, then sanitize your hand with a liquor-based hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol. 
  • Teach your family to follow typical preventive activities while at work and home, including suggested hand cleanliness and abstaining from contacting eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Apart from that consider hand cleaning after
  1. After coughing and sneezing
  2. After every use of the restroom 
  3. Before eating or preparing food 
  4. After contact with pets 
  5. When giving routine consideration to someone else who needs help (for example a kid) 

Other Precaution:
  • The infected family member should eat in his/her room for a safety major. You must clean all the utensils with hot water and soap or liquid dishwasher. Clean hands after giving food to the infected person.
  • Do not forget to wash your hand after disposing of the trash. It is best practice o use gloves while dealing with the trash. If gloves are not available, then clean your hand with soap and water immediately. 
  • Consider taking advice from your local health department regarding trash disposal guidance. 
  • Maintain a strategic distance from open transportation whenever the situation allows, limit unimportant travel. 
  • When you are carrying vegetables and fruits in the bag, don’t forget to clean the bags with hot water. It is advisable to keep the bags outside or in a corner for 24-48 hours.
  • Wash your vegetables and fruits in Lukewarm water with a pinch of baking soda for at least 5mins. 
Stay home Stay Safe!!


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